Create, manage, and sell NFT collections

Create and integrate NFT collections effortlessly. Streamline sales with limited edition drops, a dedicated marketplace, or checkout options using credit card payments or cryptocurrencies.
NFT product graphic

Create collections & NFTs

Permissioned open edition

Control minting access to ensure exclusivity & maintain brand integrity.
  • Unique art piece
  • Products or goods
  • Subscription / pass
  • Token gated access
  • And more
Ideal for: Artists, brands, or organizations.

Permissionless open edition

Encourage wide participation to drive innovation and community growth.
  • User-generated content
  • Crowdsourced collections
  • Collaborative projects
  • Virtual events
  • And more
Ideal for: Creators or communities.

Limited predefined edition

Offer rare, collectible items to create a sense of urgency and desirability.
  • Artist series releases
  • Digital collectibles
  • PFP projects
  • Early access tokens
  • And more
Ideal for: Collectors or brands.

Import NFT collections

Import Your NFT Collection

Integrate your existing NFT collection seamlessly and transition to a more dynamic platform or seek broader exposure.
  • Platform migration
  • Activity tracking
  • Expand audience reach
  • And more
Ideal for: Existing NFT collections wanting to expand their reach or transition to a more robust platform.

General Import of Collections

Collaborate with established NFT collections, showcase a range of creative assets and forge new partnerships.
  • Curate NFTs
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Access communities
  • And more
Ideal for: Businesses seeking to enrich their offerings by partnering with existing NFT collections and creators.

Sell NFTs


Launch exclusive NFT drops with controlled access & predefined rules.
  • Artist series releases
  • Digital collectibles
  • PFP projects
  • Early access tokens
Market: Primary
Ideal for: Limited predefined edition

Secondary market

Maximize earnings through resales, benefiting from royalties & fees.
  • User-generated content
  • Unique art piece
  • Virtual events
  • Products or goods
Market: Secondary
Ideal for: All collection types


Streamline NFT sales for easy access across channels.
  • Unique art piece
  • Products or goods
  • Subscription / pass
  • Token gated access
Market: Secondary
Ideal for: Permissioned open edition

Tailor your payment methods

Payment link

Facilitate sales through customizable payment links for diverse platforms.
  • Social medias
  • E-commerce sites
  • Direct outreach
  • And more
Ideal for: Web2 & Web3 customers

Native currency & token

Enable sales using project-specific tokens and blockchain partnerships.
  • Project token
  • Blockchain communities
  • Ecosystem partnerships
  • And more
Ideal for: Web3 customers

Credit/debit card

Streamline NFT sales with direct credit and debit card transactions.
  • No seller KYC
  • Custom token
  • Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, etc
  • And more
Ideal for: Web2 customers

Empowering Web3 businesses across
GameFi, PointFi, ArtFi, SocialFi, and DeFi

Your project next?

Modular and flexible pricing designed to fit your unique Web3 needs.

Start for free, pay as you grow

Reach out for access to our detailed pricing, and consumption-based model. Flexible payment options available in both USD and crypto.

Tailored solutions? Get your custom quote

Reach out to us for a personalized quote tailored to your unique needs. Our team is ready to assist you in seamlessly integrating our solutions.
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product with Liteflow

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